Are you in search of a clean and convenient way to protect metals from rusting? With Cortec® VpCI® Emitters, all that you need is an enclosed space for easy and effective corrosion prevention. Learn the how, when, where, and what of VpCI® Emitters to get started!
How Emitters Work
No matter what size, shape, or style of VpCI® Emitter you use, its success is connected to the action of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors. These are corrosion inhibiting molecules that vaporize out of the Emitter, diffuse throughout an enclosed space, and “adsorb” on metal surfaces within the enclosure. The resulting protective molecular layer inhibits normal corrosion reactions between metal and moisture, oxygen, and chlorides. When the enclosure is opened, this molecular layer starts to evaporate, eliminating the messy cleanup process needed to remove traditional rust preventative oils and greases.
When to Use an Emitter
VpCI® Emitters can be used for corrosion protection at many stages in a product’s lifecycle, starting in-process, when a VpCI® Emitter can be added to a closed bin of parts awaiting further processing at the manufacturing or assembly plant. The next major stage is shipping, when VpCI® Emitters are packed in boxes or crates along with finished goods to keep them in like-new corrosion-free condition as they travel cross-country or overseas. Storage and/or layup is another critical point when VpCI® Emitters can be added to electrical/electronic equipment to preserve functionality. Emitters are often even used during operation to minimize corrosion and downtime on electricals and electronics.
Where to Use an Emitter
As suggested, a common use of VpCI® Emitters is to protect circuit breaker boxes, control panels, and equipment electrical enclosures. This may be done at the manufacturing plant before shipping out new equipment, on offshore platforms during temporary layup, and even in deep tunnel wastewater pumping stations to minimize downtime and costly equipment replacement. Emitters can also be used in packing boxes or inside almost any enclosed area where corrosion protection is needed.
What Types of Emitters Are Available?
The type of Emitter chosen depends on the size of the space, the type of the metal, and the needs and preferences of the user in regard to format. VpCI® Emitters generally fall into the following categories:
- Flexible emitters are yet another option and include various sizes of VpCI®-130 Series foam and BioPad® (biobased option) for different volumes of protection. With so many approaches to protecting enclosed spaces available, the decision comes down to what works best for you and your application. Contact Cortec® to get more advice on matching the right Emitter to your needs for easy rust prevention: https://www.cortecpackaging.com/contact-us/.
- Self-adhesive emitters such as the VpCI®-101 Device, VpCI®-105 Emitter, and VpCI®-111 Emitter are great for electrical panels because they can easily be stuck on the inside of the door or another flat surface within the compartment. These devices/cups protect 1 ft³ (28 L), 5 ft³ (0.14 m³), and 11 ft³ (0.31 m³), respectively.
- Small emitters such as VpCI®-143 Paper Emitters (1 x 1 in [6.45 cm²] squares), CorPak® VpCI® 1-MUL Pouches, and Desicorr® VpCI® Pouches (combination desiccant and corrosion protection) protect very small spaces and are easy to slip inside a package before it ships out or goes into storage.
- The EcoPouch® (protects ferrous metals only), VpCI®- 309 Pouch (protects ferrous metals without harming yellow metals), and VpCI®-308 Pouch (protects ferrous and yellow metals) are great for protecting larger enclosures of 35 ft³ (1 m³) per pouch.
Keywords: Cortec, VpCI Emitters, prevent rust, convenient way to prevent rust, protect metals from rusting, easy rust prevention, minimize corrosion on electricals and electronics, minimize downtime on electricals and electronics, corrosion inhibitors, rust preventative oils
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